martedì 26 aprile 2011

SEVEN DIMENSIONS Dado - Etnik - Joys - Pazo - Peeta - TomoZ - Verbo

Dado - Etnik - Joys - Pazo - Peeta - TomoZ - Verbo

a cura di
Claudio Musso e Fabiola Naldi

opening 7 maggio 2011 - h 18.30

dal 7 al 29 maggio 2011

Il Comune di Ravenna – Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, quale comune capofila, in collaborazione con il Comune di Cesena e associazioni culturali dei rispettivi territori (in qualità di partners fra cui l’Associazione Romagna in Fiore), a seguito della pubblicazione del bando “Giovani Energie in Comune”, promosso dal Dipartimento della Gioventù della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e dall’Anci Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani rivolto ad iniziative progettuali riguardanti le politiche giovanili, risulta primo della graduatoria, aggiudicatario dell’approvazione e dell’ammissione al finanziamento per il progetto “Valorizzazione della street art e del writing urbano: - “RigenerArte – writing urbano in Romagna”, per l’attivazione di corsi, laboratori e concorsi e la messa a disposizione di spazi per la pratica artistica.

Nell’ambito di tale progettazione l’associazione Romagna in fiore presenta il progetto Seven Dimensions a cura di Claudio Musso e Fabiola Naldi.
Il progetto Seven Dimension punta l’attenzione su un aspetto poco studiato e difficilmente identificabile del campo d’azione del Writing: la produzione tridimensionale.
I sette artisti invitati offrono uno spaccato di tale evoluzione sul territorio nazionale oltre che rappresentare alcuni degli esiti più avanzati dell’intero panorama del Writing.
Sebbene già alla fine degli anni Novanta in Italia, come nel resto del mondo, l’evoluzione dello stile avesse aperto inedite traiettorie di fuoriuscita dalla bidimensionalità, non esistono studi di settore o rassegne sull’argomento.
Per Dado, Etnik, Joys, Pazo, Peeta, TomoZ, Verbo la bomboletta non è l’unico e privilegiato mezzo di produzione, anzi la loro attitudine al polimorfismo nel tempo si è trasformata in un campionario di opere che, ponendosi in un territorio di confine tra arte, architettura e design, sono indifferentemente costituite di materiali quali il marmo, il legno, i metalli, la plastica, il polistirolo, il cemento e persino il video.
Il punto cruciale delle ricerche dei sette writer rimane ancorato allo studio della lettera, all’indagine ingegneristica che fa del loro nome una materia sensibile sottoposta a scomposizioni e manipolazioni plurime, uno studio tipografico deviato e parallello in cui i caratteri fioriscono, esplodono, si riassemblano alla stregua degli organismi viventi.
La mostra è documentata e accompagnata da un catalogo che oltre a contenere immagini rappresentative delle principali opere degli artisti, riporta il testo critico di Fabiola Naldi, che analizza questioni legate al rapporto opera/spazio, opera/ambiente e quello di Claudio Musso incentrato sulle tematiche correlate al binomio lettera/struttura.

Claudio Musso and Fabiola Naldi take care of Seven Dimensions. The aim of this project is to deepen a not very studied aspect of the writing scene that is the one concerning 3- dimensionality productions. The seven artists attending the show, represent a cross-section of the Italian 3-D graffiti scene as well as some between the most representative highly talented people inside the Italian writing movement.

Santa Maria delle Croci
via Guacciamanni 5/7 - Ravenna
ingresso libero / catalogo in mostra
orari: dal giovedì alla domenica / 18.00 - 21.00

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

Surrender graffiti sculpture

Sculpture made by PVC, size 80x56x25 cm.
Exposed at Baron Gallery, Gastown Vancovuer during Winter Olympic Games of 2010.


I utilized a professional 3D design program to create this
project. Having attended the Venetian Design University, this
projecting technique is derived from my formal university edu-
cation. In fact, I use the same program that I have employed
to design products for the production of my sculptures. This
software allows me to have a 3D view of the sculpture and,
at the same time, virtually cut out all the different surfaces of
my sculpture and consider them on a 2D plane. In this way,
I can perfectly understand shapes and sizes of any material
that I choose to build my sculpture. Subsequently, I cut the
PVC plates and assemble them together. The penultimate
step involves coating the PVC surface with a polyester layer
to mask imperfections resulting from the building process
and to impart singularity to the structure, rather than a colla-
ge of components. 
If you're looking for more information or you want to see other sculptures, visit:

Glimpse graffiti sculpture

Wide project consisting of sculptures of the same shape
using three different materials. The initial model was made
using polyester covered cardboard sheets. I constructed
one sculpture of PVC using the same process utilized for
Fibonacci: 3D computer modeling, PVC cutting, polyester
coating, and polyurethane filling.
I made three bronze copies using the investment casting
If you want to have any information or see other sculptures, visit:

August 2009 - Sculpture made by cardboard, filled with polyurethane foam and painted by matte 


This sculpture is made by PVC (plastic) and polyurethane.
size 100x70x45 cm
Shown at 'Sparkle and Fade' Peeta solo exhibition at Pretty Portal Gallery in Düsseldorf, Germany

Glimpse Bronze Sculpture

Sculpture made by bronze.
size 35x25x18 cm - 14x9,8x7 inches
Shown at 'Sparkle and Fade' Peeta solo exhibition at Pretty Portal Gallery in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Three existing copies.

Twister graffiti sculpture

This sculpture is made by PVC (plastic) and polyurethane.
size 3,5x1,6x0,7 meters - 12x5,3x2,3 feet

Shown at 'Sparkle and Fade' Peeta solo exhibition at Pretty Portal Gallery in Düsseldorf, Germany

I utilized a professional 3D design program to create this
project. Having attended the Venetian Design University, this
projecting technique is derived from my formal university edu-
cation. In fact, I use the same program that I have employed
to design products for the production of my sculptures. This
software allows me to have a 3D view of the sculpture and,
at the same time, virtually cut out all the different surfaces of
my sculpture and consider them on a 2D plane. In this way,
I can perfectly understand shapes and sizes of any material
that I choose to build my sculpture. Subsequently, I cut the
PVC plates and assemble them together. The penultimate
step involves coating the PVC surface with a polyester layer
to mask imperfections resulting from the building process
and to impart singularity to the structure, rather than a colla-
ge of components. Finally, the sculpture is filled with polyu-
rethane to make it structurally sound.
If you're looking for more information or you want to see ther sculptures, visit:

Fibonacci graffiti sculpture

Sculpture made by PVC, size 115x51x25 cm.
Exposed at Baron Gallery, Gastown Vancouver during Winter Olympics games of 2010.

I created this sculpture during a period in which I was pas-
sionately involved with readings concerning Sacred Geome-
try. I mainly took inspiration from Fibonacci’s spirals. Whi-
le not actually following the specific mathematical concept
proposed by Fibonacci, my purpose was to integrate some
intersecting spirals with my sculpture.

I utilized a professional 3D design program to create this
project. Having attended the Venetian Design University, this
projecting technique is derived from my formal university edu-
cation. In fact, I use the same program that I have employed
to design products for the production of my sculptures. This
software allows me to have a 3D view of the sculpture and,
at the same time, virtually cut out all the different surfaces of
my sculpture and consider them on a 2D plane. In this way,
I can perfectly understand shapes and sizes of any material
that I choose to build my sculpture. Subsequently, I cut the
PVC plates and assemble them together. The penultimate
step involves coating the PVC surface with a polyester layer
to mask imperfections resulting from the building process
and to impart singularity to the structure, rather than a colla-
ge of components. Finally, the sculpture is filled with polyu-
rethane to make it structurally sound.
If you are looking for any information or you want to see more sculptures, visit:

Jericho graffiti

Acrylics on 50x100 cm canvas
To see more canvases, visit:

Easy Glide

acrylics on 150 X 50 cm canvas

RWK by Peeta with Chris

RWK by Peeta feat. ChrisRWK in Bushwick Brooklyn NY

5 Points NY

Rooftop feat. Never at 5 Points Queens NY


Hi detailed graffiti lettering made with acrylics on a 120x80 cm canvas.
If you want to see more canvases, visit:

martedì 12 aprile 2011

Jeos R.I.P. by Peeta in Bushwick Brooklyn NY

This is a graffiti piece I've done during my last trip to NYC, after a show in Phildelphia with my street art crew RWK. It is dedicated to a good friend of mine, recently gone.
If you want to see more pictures, visit: